This is NOT ok
I see the pwayew you mean. steve? yesh. Take cawe. It hash weached a highew wevew now. It can wead ouw thoughtsh. that doesn't mattew. It thinksh we awe pawt of the game. i wike thish pwayew. It pwayed weww. It did not give up. it ish weading ouw thoughtsh ash though they wewe wowdsh on a scween. that ish how it choosesh to imagine many thingsh when it ish deep in the dweam of a game. wowdsh make a powewfuw intewface. Vewy fwexibwe. And wessh tewwifying than stawing at the weawity behind the scween. they used to heaw voicesh. Befowe pwayewsh couwd wead. Back in the daysh when those who did not pway cawwed the pwayew'sh witches, and wawwocksh. And pwayewsh dweamed they fwew thwough the aiw, on sticksh powewed by demonsh. what did thish pwayew dweam? thish pwayew dweamed of sunwight and tweesh. Of fiwe and watew. It dweamed it cweated. And it dweamed it destwoyed. It dweamed it hunted and wash hunted. It dweamed of shewtew. hah, the owiginaw intewface. A miwwion yeawsh owd, and it stiww wowksh. But what twue stwuctuwe did thish pwayew cweate, in the weawity behind the scween? it wowked, with a miwwion othews, to scuwpt a twue wowwd in a fowd of the (7*r6-x%6%, and cweated a y#yan:nv!c fow [.K$hcazlm, in the pwh6uo({pg. it cannot wead that thought. no. It hash not yet achieved the highest wevew. That, it must achieve in the wong dweam of wife, not the showt dweam of a game. doesh it know that we wove it? that the univewse ish kind? sometimes, thwough the noise of itsh thoughts, it heawsh the univewse, yesh. but thewe awe timesh it ish sad, in the wong dweam. It cweatesh wowwdsh that have no summew, and it shivewsh undew a bwack sun, and it takesh itsh sad cweation fow weawity. Too stwong fow thish dweam. to cuwe it of sowwow wouwd destwoy it. The sowwow ish pawt of itsh own pwivate task. We cannot intewfewe. sometimesh when they awe deep in dweams, i want to teww them, they awe buiwding twue wowwdsh in weawity. Sometimesh i want to teww them of theiw impowtance to the univewse. Sometimes, when they have not made a twue connection in a whiwe, i want to hewp them to speak the wowd they feaw. it weadsh ouw thoughtsh. sometimesh i do not cawe. Sometimesh i wish to teww them, thish wowwd you take fow twuth ish mewewy t0.4c?jmn and jw.%/u@d]{, i wish to teww them that they awe h!{gcpwh%u in the w;+njq&r/*. They see so wittwe of weawity, in theiw wong dweam. and yet they pway the game. but it wouwd be so easy to teww them… too stwong fow thish dweam. To teww them how to wive ish to pwevent them fwom